Saturday, April 10, 2020
11am – 5pm
on Zoom
Virtual Tree Spirit Medicine Workshop (Beech)
with Monika Ghent
The Tree Spirit Medicine workshops are a series of experiential workshops that provide an opportunity for you to learn about and receive the medicine that one of our local tree species chooses to offer you at this time. In each workshop you can receive the medicine of a different tree species.
Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood): Deep Peace
Beech acts as a guyline that provides you with the guidance, stability and support you need to move forward with steadfast endurance and fortitude on your soul path.
The tree spirit medicine of Hop Hornbeam is deep peace. Hop Hornbeam brings you to the implacable peace at the centre of your being that remains forever untouched by the tumultuousness of outer life and the tyranny of the insatiable ego. Enfolded within this beautiful, soothing peace is a wellspring of deep stillness and tranquility where all desire, expectation and striving fall away. In the purifying and healing energy of deep peace, you expand into the sacred mystery of life with the receptivity and openness of the unconditioned self.
The workshop will begin with a connecting exercise with the Hop Hornbeam who has offered to be our teacher for this workshop. Afterwards, participants will directly experience Hop Hornbeam’s gifts of healing, wisdom and guidance by distance transmission through Monika. Experiences will then be shared and interpreted so that we may learn from each other the depth and breadth of Hop Hornbeam’s tree spirit medicine.
Once you have received the tree spirit medicine of Hop Hornbeam, it will always be with you whenever you need it’s medicine, guidance and support.
The format for this workshop will be virtual via Zoom. There is no need to worry if you are not tech savvy! Once you sign up for the workshop, you will be sent a Zoom link and all you need do is click on it to be taken directly to the virtual Hop Hornbeam workshop.
Date: Saturday April 10th, 11 am to 5 pm and Sunday April 18th, 12 to 3 pm. April 18th is optional. It is an opportunity for anyone who was not able to complete their sharing during the workshop to do so, and for participants to reconnect and share how Hop Hornbeam tree spirit medicine has moved in their lives over the intervening week.
Location: The Zoom Universe.
Instructor: Monika Ghent
Tuition: $95
Questions:; 416-537-8842