OHA Events
Calendar of Events
OHA Professional Member Events
Talks/Presentations, Herb Walks, Hands-on Workshops
Herb Talk – Monika Ghent – Nov 30, 2020
Monday, November 30, 2020, 7pm - 8pm on Zoom Herb Talk Monika Ghent, Plant Spirit Medicine This Herb Talk will feature an interview with Registered Herbalist and Plant Spirit Medicine practitioner, Monika Ghent. This is a free event for members!
Virtual Tree Spirit Medicine (Beech) Dec 12, 2020
Saturday, December 12, 2020 11am - 5pm on Zoom Virtual Tree Spirit Medicine Workshop (Beech) with Monika Ghent The Tree Spirit Medicine workshops are a series of experiential workshops that provide an opportunity for you to learn about and receive the medicine that...
2020 Summer Solstice Herbal Retreat Weekend!! June 26 – 28, 2020
“Building Resiliency- from the inside out to community” June 26th – 28th, 2020 At OTTER RIVER FARMS, near Port Burwell, Ontario For more details, please visit http://www.christinedennis.ca/herbal-retreat-weekend/
Cannabis Medicine Making – Sunday, June 21 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Workshop 2 Cannabis Medicine Making - Cost $225+HST This full day workshop will teach you several different methods to make medicine from cannabis. Sunday, June 21 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Tincture and Tonic Apothecary 2247 Dundas St. West, Toronto, ON M6R 1X6 Sunday,...
An Intro to Cannabis and How to Grow your 4 Plants -Saturday, June 20 @ 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Workshop 1 An Intro to Cannabis and How to Grow your 4 Plants - Cost $150+HST This workshop will give you an introduction to the Cannabis plant and its many uses throughout history. Saturday, June 20 @ 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Tincture and Tonic Apothecary 2247 Dundas St....
Innisfree Farm & Botanic Garden Events-August 6, 7, 8 & 9, 2020
SevenSong - August 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th 2020 Clinical Herbalist and Botanist extraordinaire More at http://www.7song.com SevenSong will be joining for the 3rd biennial Clinical Phytotherapy Summer Camp where senior students and practitioners will conduct clinical round...
OHA Plant Exchange, Book Swap and Bottle sale- Sunday, June 7, 2020
Sunday, June 7, 2020 Location: 3 Mill View Court, Caledon East, ON L7K 2N4 Given the current guidelines for social distancing and limiting groups to no more than 5 people, it is still possible for this event to go ahead, under the following conditions: location: 3...
Learn Evidence-based Herbs for Treatment and Prevention of the Gastrointestinal Conditions – Feb 8, 2020
There are many herbs that can be used to treat or prevent chronic and acute gastrointestinal conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease, SIBO, constipation, and digestive enzyme deficiency. Learn how to use herbs -- including berberine, peppermint, and lemon...
Tree Spirit Medicine: Hawthorn with Monika Ghent
Medicine from Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.): Following the Flow of Your Heart "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine de Saint-Exupéry In this experiential workshop participants will receive the spirit...
Experiential Herbalism: A Six Month Intensive Course with Tamara Segal RH
Held at New Moon Farm in Prince Edward County, ON, this course is for those looking to connect with the living plants, make medicines, spend time in a natural, wild space and delve deeper into the study of plant medicine. ...
Special: Gatherings
3rd Annual Heartwood Gathering
July 21-23, 2017
Great Lakes Herb Faire
Sept 8-10 2017 Cedar Lake Outdoor Center 2500 Pierce Rd, Chelsea, Michigan
You are invited to this potluck and celebration! Bring your family too! Saturday August 18th starting 4 pm-ish at the home of Rick DeSylva in Rockwood ON (near Guelph). SAVE THE DATE! Directions will be given when you RSVP
Forest Garden Convergence
June 4 - 5, 2016 The Carolinian Canada Forest Garden Guild and The Living Centre are pleased to announce the 3rd annual Forest Garden Convergence Join us for an exciting two days of learning, growing, deepening relationships and hands-on experiences in the art and...
National: Vancouver Island Herb Gathering
~Honoring Our Elders~ June 12-14, 2015 - plus intensives on 15th Courtenay, BC This year we have partnered with the Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations that represents herbalists across the country, to host the first National Canadian Herbalists Gathering with...
Other Events of Interest
Events relating to plants, natural healthcare, and ecological protection. Please note these events are not endorsed by the Ontario Herbalists Association but are listed as they may appeal to members of the community.
Do you have an event you would like to share? Contact us to have your event listed here.
(Please note that all listings are subject to Board approval).