Given the current guidelines for social distancing and limiting groups to no more than 5 people, it is still possible for this event to go ahead, under the following conditions:
- location: 3 Millview Crt., Caledon, a one-acre property with lots of room to spread out
- two time segments: 1 to 3 p.m. or 3 to 5 p.m. Depending on interest, this can be reduced to 1.5 or one hour segments that do not overlap
- 4 participants per time segment
- pre-registration (but no cost) to ensure numbers are limited
- be aware of 6 ft. social distancing at all times (lots of space available, shouting allowed for communication)
- wear masks, but breathing on plants is allowed and welcomed by the plants
Bring plants to exchange. The following seedlings will be available: marshmallow, catnip, parsley, borage, chamomile, summer savory, California poppy and some ornamentals…
There are also many herbs in the garden needing to be divided and shared. Shovels, pots and plastic bags will be available.
Also available will be individual amber bottles at ‘per case’ prices.
If you have books you would like to pass on to other interested herbalists, this is an opportunity.
There are two picnic tables but feel free to bring your own chair, plates and cutlery.
And food – pot luck to share!
To register, e-mail Susan Elliotson at
There are also many herbs in the garden needing to be divided and shared. Shovels, pots and plastic bags will be available.
Also available will be individual amber bottles at ‘per case’ prices.
If you have books you would like to pass on to other interested herbalists, this is an opportunity.
There are two picnic tables but feel free to bring your own chair, plates and cutlery.
And food – pot luck to share!
To register, e-mail Susan Elliotson at