Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Student Membership

Student Membership is available to anyone who:

  1. is currently enrolled in a herbal program with the goal of continuing herbal training and the possibility of eventual professional membership in the OHA, or
  2. can demonstrate completion of any herbal or relevant course(s) studied in the twelve months previous to registration or renewal of OHA student membership, or
  3. has completed 50 hrs working with a registered herbalist

The Benefits of Student Membership:

  • Membership in a world class herbalists association.
  • The right to attend the OHA Annual General Meeting (AGM).
  • Opportunity to participate on any OHA committee (including PMC)
  • Voting rights at AGM and at most subcommittees except the Professional Members Committee (PMC).
  • The right to run for a position on the Board of Directors.
  • The support of the Students & New Registered Herbalists Subcommittee (SNRH) which is concerned with the needs of student herbalists and new Professional Members.
  • Invitation to the OHA Annual Potluck and Plant/Supply Exchange.
  • Association newsletters and announcements.
  • Representation with the provincial government on issues that affect the practice of herbal medicine in Ontario, and on the federal level through the OHA’s membership in the Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations (CCHA).
  • Opportunity for members to advertise their herbal events on the OHA website and in OHA newsletters.
  • Access to the Members-Only area of the Association’s website.
  • Student discounts at OHA seminars and sponsored events.
  • Discounts for visits to many OHA Registered Herbalists (see individual RH listings – those offering discounts will be indicated with an asterisk (*) on their listing page).
  • Membership card and discounts with “Friends of the OHA” companies.
  • Opportunity to help guide the future of herbal medicine in Ontario.
  • The right to have input on issues that affect membership.
  • Community and connection with like-minded people.
  • Opportunity to network with other student members and professional herbalists.

Join us today – Sign up as a student member!

Click here to download the Student Membership Application form.

Student Memberships run from October 1st – September 30th, however you may join at any time (membership fees are not prorated).

Completed applications may be emailed to office@ontarioherbalists.ca. Please also attach your proof of enrollment of recent studies.

Application payment:
Student Membership Annual Fee: $45.00 + 5.85 HST = $50.85.
Payments should be sent by eTransfer to onherbtreasurer@gmail.com. An explanatory note should accompany the payment.

If you prefer to submit your application, proof of enrollment, and/or payment (cheque) by mail, please send the address below:

The Ontario Herbalists Association
10-225 The East Mall, Box 1756
Toronto, ON  M9B 0A9

You may also be interested in:

General Membership
Professional Membership