Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements are set at 40 (forty) hours by October 31st, 2023 for the 2023 – 2024 Membership Year renewal. Unless otherwise stated, an hour of credit time equals an hour of actual time spent at a particular activity. For example, a four hour seminar would equal four hours of credit. Each year, professional members are asked to send in their completed hours of credit and proof (a photocopy/scan of a certificate or receipt or a brief description of a free seminar) with their renewal of membership. The OHA reserves the right to ensure that credits listed by members have actually been completed and that their content provides a valuable learning experience. Exemptions to these requirements will be determined on a case by case basis.

Category A

Core subject seminars, classes and apprenticeships:
(one hour of credit per hour of activity up to a maximum of thirty hours, excluding meals and breaks)


  1. OHA seminars and lectures
  2. Herbal courses from OHA approved schools (in class or distance learning):
    Dominion Herbal College, College of Phytotherapy, UK, Mohawk College, Living Earth, Wild Rose.
  3. Other herbal courses recognized by the OHA, AHG or NIMH (in class or distance learning)
  4. Post-graduate apprenticeships/training with professional herbalists

Category B

Adjunct classes, primary research, developing courses and publishing:
(one hour of credit per hour of activity up to a maximum of twenty hours, excluding meals and breaks)

  1. Practice building courses (in class or distance learning, webinars or eAudio books): public speaking, small business courses, Bach flower remedies, homeopathy, massage therapy, aromatherapy, first aid/CPR, nutrition, plant saver, medicine, etc.
  2. Documented research projects in herbal medicine or related health field
  3. Research that culminates in a manuscript or written work
  4. Research that culminates in developing course work or teaching materials
  5. Writing as a contributing author in a larger academic work for publication
  6. Writing for publication in professional peer-reviewed publications

Category C

Teaching, mentoring, volunteering, and reading:
(0.5 hours of credit per hour of activity up to a maximum of twenty hours)

  1. Teaching classes in herbal medicine or related health fields
  2. Attendance at OHA annual general meetings and OHA Professional Members meetings
  3. Participating in OHA committees, subcommittees or other OHA volunteer activities
  4. Mentoring post-graduate apprenticeships
  5. Reading that relates to any aspect of herbal practice (bibliography must be submitted).


Awareness Training: As voted on by the Professional Membership in September 2021, one hour minimum of Awareness Training will be required for all Professional Membership renewals. Click here for some suggested resources.

The OHA has compiled a list of resources that may help contribute to CPD credits. Click here for more information.

Fill out the form below, or download, print and mail/email the Continuing Professional Development Record of Hours.

Continuing Professional Development Record

Minimum credits required: 40 hours, including 1 hour Awareness Training. Photocopies of certificates and/or receipts and bibliography (if applicable) must be submitted. Please list each activity under the appropriate category, together with the hours completed. (Continue on a separate page if necessary).

Category A (Core subject seminars, classes, apprenticeships):
Category B (Adjunct classes, primary research, developing courses, publishing):
Category C (Teaching, Mentoring, Reading, OHA Meetings):
Awareness Training (More Info):
Copy of receipt or certificate
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