Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Megan grew up feeling most at home in nature and as a child was constantly using flowers and grasses to make magical ‘potions’. She worked for a number of years as a chef, and her interest in food, especially wild foods, led her to begin more seriously studying the medicinal qualities of plants. She began incorporating more herbs into her life and found relief from several conditions that conventional modern medicine had had very little to offer in the way of treatment. After many years of self study, these profound healing experiences inspired her to dive deeper into herbal studies.

The majority of Megan’s training is from the Western Herbal Medicine, with additional training in Alchemy and Spagyric medicine preparation, Medical Astrology, Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Megan understands that education is foundational to good health and applies this in clinic when working with clients, as well as through private teaching and her work at Wild Rose College.

For Megan, being able to support her friends, family and community’s health, as well as the health of the earth is as great a responsibility as it is a gift. When she’s not gardening or working with herbs, you may find her hiking with her dog, singing and playing guitar with one of her bands, reading or cooking.

Website: www.wildmedicinals.ca
Instagram: @wildmedicinals
Email: megan@wildmedicinals.ca