Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Sat Feb 20th, 2021, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm on Zoom

Plants are botanically grouped in ‘families’ because these families have many shared features. This common ground also suggests how you can grow them with confidence.
Distinctions such as Habit and Habitat allow a leap forward in understanding how to grow, harvest, and make the best use of the many ‘cousins’ within the extended family.

In this workshop, by looking at photos from the garden of Kathleen Leeson, RH, you will expand your knowledge of key points in each of the many valuable families that provide us with abundant food and medicine. What makes this cousin ‘food’ and this one ‘medicine’? By understanding the collective characteristics across ‘cousins’, you’ll find it much easier to grow and harvest any plants that appeal to you.

Please RSVP at greenkathleen@bell.net, or call 613-237-1473 and you will receive a Zoom link the day before. Feel free to share this with anyone you think would be interested. You can pay a fee you can afford afterward.

Kathleen Leeson, RH lives and grows in Zone 4 and after a gap year, studied Horticulture in 1982. She worked in the field until getting sick with CFS in 1989 after which, she found her way into medical herbalism. She set about studying it and has been in practice since 1994. She was granted the RH (Registered Herbalist) designation by the Ontario Herbalists Association in 2001 when they began offering it. She has had a medicinal garden since 1994 from which she teaches and makes medicine and also manages the Garden of Eve Growers Coop.