Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Registered Herbalist, Iridology, Tachyon Wellness, Plant Spirit Medicine

18010 Bathurst St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 4V9




Herbalist’s Bio:

“I’ve had a Clinical Herbal Practise for about 17 years, and have been  in the Natural Health industry for almost 30 years. My deep interest in nature pulled me into the healing arts, and I started with a Certified Iridologist course, while, running a health food store. I normally still do Iridology assessments as part of my  initial intake with new clients. 

From 1998-2002, I took the 1,000 hour Registered Herbalist Program in the Toronto area, through the Living Earth School of Herbalist, which provided me the solid foundation I needed to provide healing to others on a deep and competent level.

I continue to take courses and programmes to augment and deepen my understanding of natural healing. This has included Shamanic studies, Tachyon energy (Quantum tools to help us release energetic blocks, and be protected from EMF’s (Electromagnetic Fields). I took more nutritional courses, relating to the role of how genetics and specialized nutrients can have a huge impact on our long-term health. 

When indicated I may also utilize both Gem Mineral Essences, and Flower Essences to help heal emotional and mind states, as we are multi-dimensional beings.

My overall approach is to educate clients towards self-empowerment. Clinically, I listen and to observe symptoms in the context of the client as a whole person, and utilize health-building measures to gently restore balance and well being. My central approach is to custom formulate herbal tinctures, usually on a monthly basis, and offer guidance and support in areas of diet, lifestyle changes so my clients are supported through their journey of healing towards higher levels of health and well-being.

The greatest satisfaction I have is in seeing my clients’ health and happiness change with a few simple lifestyle changes and the consistent implementation of herbal remedies.

In Regards,

To Your Health!”