Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Bursary for Professional Members

The OHA will be allocating $2000.00 per year from OHA income towards a Bursary for Professional Members in good standing to use towards Continuing Professional Development credits.

Two (2) $500.00 bursaries and four (4) $250.00 bursaries can be awarded each membership year to cover tuition and/or travel costs.

The Application will require the following information:

  1. Outline of the course the member plans to attend
  2. Details of the course such as time and place
  3. Outline of the costs to attend including tuition and travel costs
  4. Outline of how the course will augment their practice of herbal medicine

The Application Process

  1. Bursaries are available for the current membership year beginning November 15th. (After Professional Membership renewal period).
  2. Bursary applications will be reviewed three times per year (February, June, October) by a committee.
  3. Once all the bursary money has been allocated for the current membership year, the OHA will not accept any new applications until the following year.
  4. The professional member will be informed in writing of the decision made regarding their application. Applications submitted between November 15th and February 1st will be reviewed in February.
    Applications submitted between February 2nd and June 1st will be reviewed in June.
    Applications submitted between June 2nd and October 1st will be reviewed in October.
    No applications will be accepted or reviewed between October 2nd and November 14th.

Once a Bursary is awarded, half of the bursary will be paid in advance, and the other half of the bursary will be paid after the course once the following have been submitted:

  1. Confirmation of attendance, and appropriate receipts as applicable
  2. A summary or article outlining what was learned at the course to be published in The Herbalist’s Way e-zine and/or newsletter and/or website so the knowledge can be shared with other members.
  3. If the applicant is unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances, the applicant will reimburse the OHA the amount refunded to them by the event.

The bursary does not cover:

  1. Food
  2. Accommodation
  3. Materials required for the course
  4. And any other incurred costs

Find the Application for the Bursary here: Application Form for Continuing Education Bursary

Please email completed applications to onherbtreasurer@gmail.com or mail to the address below.

The Ontario Herbalists Association
10-225 The East Mall, Box 1756
Toronto, ON  M9B 0A9