Ontario Herbalists Association

Promoting safe & natural healing with plants since 1982

Application Procedure for Professional Membership

Hello and welcome! Thank you for your interest in applying for Professional Membership with the OHA. Please be aware that all application materials, including the application fee, must either be submitted online or sent by mail. You must select one method of submission only.

Next Application Deadline: April 13, 2025 (interviews to be held mid-late May)
Upcoming application deadlines: September 14, 2025 || January 18, 2026


Required Documents to be Submitted

  1. Non-refundable application fee of $56.50 ($50 + $6.50HST), payable by cheque or e-transfer. The name on the payment must match name on the application form. Please e-transfer to onherbtreasurer@gmail.com or make cheques payable to The Ontario Herbalists Association.
  2. Complete application form. Click here to download.
  3. Copies of all relevant education and training credentials, meeting the minimum Educational Requirements, or the functional equivalent of those minimum requirements. Such functional equivalents will be subject to review by the Professional Members Committee (PMC) on a case by case basis.
  4. A Letter of Intent, describing the applicant’s reasons for applying to the OHA, justification of eligibility, and a description of their vision as a future professional member. Applicants must also include the location of practice, and whether or not they intend on making their own herbal medicines.
  5. A complete resume, including work experience, herbal and non-herbal experience, volunteer hours, and any other information that the applicant believes will support their application.
  6. A signed copy of the OHA Professional Codes.
  7. Two (2) Letters of Recommendation written by professional healthcare practitioners, educators or mentors. Letters from friends or clients will not be accepted.
  8. Four (4) pieces of case documentation as detailed below:
    1. Two (2) Case Studies
      As part of the OHA application process, the Applicant is required to choose two Case Studies from a pool of options provided by the OHA, and compose theoretical treatment plans for those Case Studies. Click here for Case Study options.
    2. Two (2) Case Histories
      Applicant must submit 2 complete case histories, detailing full intake, treatment plan, and follow-up of patients treated by the applicant. Click here for the Case History template.


The Process

Once you have submitted your application package, the following steps will take place:

  1. Application packages, including non-refundable application fee (if sending by cheque), will be received by the OHA Administrator. The application fee will immediately be forwarded to the OHA Treasurer (if sent by cheque) or received by the OHA Treasurer if applicant chooses to send via e-transfer. The OHA Administrator will check to ensure that all required documents have been included. If the application package is complete, the OHA Administrator will forward the application package to the Admissions Director. If the application is incomplete, the OHA Administrator will contact the applicant to notify of missing documentation. Applicants will have a maximum of 30 calendar days from the date of notification to submit any missing documentation. After 30 calendar days, the applicant must re-apply, including repayment of the application fee.
  2. At each monthly Professional Members Committee meeting, complete applications will be reviewed. Those applicants who have submitted applications which have met objective and measurable criteria set by the OHA will be scheduled for an interview with the Interview Committee. Those applicants whose applications do not meet the objective and measurable criteria set by the OHA will be notified and encouraged to improve their qualifications and re-apply in the future. In communicating the OHA’s inability to accept their application, the applicant will be offered the opportunity to join the OHA as a General Member until such time as they qualify for Professional Membership.
  3. Applicants who have been scheduled for the interview process will be invited to be interviewed by the Applications Process Committee, consisting of a minimum of three (3) Professional Members of the OHA. The interview will include at least one (1) member from the applicant’s modality. Interviews will be scheduled on (or near) the 15th day of February, May, and October of each year. Interviews will be 15 – 20 minutes each, will be conducted either in person or via Zoom, and will consist of questions regarding ethics, safety, method and philosophy of practice, personal history, reasons for wanting to join the OHA and what the applicant has to offer the OHA as a Professional Member.
  4. At the conclusion of the interview process, applicants who meet the OHA criteria for Professional Membership will be approved. Applicants who do not meet the OHA criteria will be notified by email, and may be given the opportunity to write the OHA entrance exam. Such exams will either be prepared by, or set to a standard approved by the President of the OHA. Exams will be given specific to the following modalities: Western Herbalism, Ayurveda, and Tibetan Medicine. TCM applicants must be approved by their own association before being accepted to the OHA. Applicants who pass the OHA entrance exam will be accepted as professional members. Those who do not pass the exam will be notified, by email.